A Message from Kim...
Library 2.0 is a catchy misnomer – it really focuses on being in tune with your community and providing them with the tools, materials, and facility they want and need. A big focus of that is technology, of course, but it’s more a state of mind than a computer terminal. I'm a big fan of community based planning (New Planning for Results) and completely believe that if libraries are spending public money they need to be sure they are buying what the public actually wants. The next couple of generations are completely at home in this brave new online world, and facing those challenges with an unwillingness to try new things isn’t going to help “sell” the library to young adults and kids. They aren’t going to come around to your way of thinking, no matter how much you resist the entire 2.0 world. Open up, be willing to be uncomfortable (in my first online class I spent about 10 very agonizing minutes feeling kind of stupid), and try new things. You don’t have to use them in your library if they don’t work for you, but you’re doing yourself and your public a service if you are at least aware of the trends. So what’s a busy librarian to do?
Visit Learning 2.0 at http://plcmclearning.blogspot.com/. Learning 2.0 is an online self-discovery program that encourages the exploration of web 2.0 tools and new technologies. The creator is a public librarian who has actually used the modules with real live staff. We will be implementing a similar type of program this fall – we can all jump in together!