Library Stamp
The mail sent out by the Hooper Public Library gets attention by the receiver. Instead of normal postage stamps, the library uses a stamp that Karla Shafer, library director, created. She used the Internet site and created a real postage stamp with a picture of the Hooper Public Library in full color. Karla took a digital picture and downloaded it during the designing of her stamp. She then formatted the picture with easy-to-follow instructions, chose a border and a color for the #39. The result is an eye-catching and innovative way to make a noticeable difference to the library's mail. She has gotten lots of good comments from her efforts. There is an additional cost for the postage but Karla considers the promoting value and professional image well worth the cost. She encourages you to have fun creating your "library stamp."
(This blurb courtesy of Eastern Express, Eastern Library System (NE) from January 2007)