Wednesday, February 24, 2010

March CE Opportunities

We have a lot of in person events available this month. Registration, as always, is available through the State Library’s CE Catalog at

Adobe Drop-In Orientation (No registration needed)
CE Units: 0

For those who have not taken an online class before or haven’t taken one with the new platform, this is your chance to explore Adobe Connect before taking online classes offered throughout the state. Pop into the SLS classroom anytime in the one hour session for the 20 minute presentation.

SLS Online classroom
Thursday, March 4th
10 am to 11 am

Youth Services with Michele Gorman
CE Units: 6 total, 3 per session

The Burlington Public Library has kindly opened up their staff development day with Michele Gorman to the rest of us! The day will consist of two three-hour programs for a total of 6 continuing education credits (3 for each program). If you are unable to spend the entire day with us, you are welcome to come for one session or the other. Please note in the comments if you intend to do this.

Morning (9 am to 12 pm)
"This Ain't Your Mama's Library! Adolescent Development and the Developmental Needs of Teens" Very few people who work in a public library setting have ever received any kind of formal training about what is happening inside the body and brain of a teenager. In order to best meet the needs of teens, adults who work with this demographic will be best served by developing a foundation of knowledge about what teens need and where they are coming from emotionally and physically. Topics covered in this foundation presentation will include the stages and milestones of adolescence, the 7 developmental needs of teens, the Search Institute's 40 Developmental Assets(c), and what new research about the teen brain tells us about adolescent behavior.

Afternoon (1 pm to 4 pm)
"Getting Graphic! Using Graphic Novels to Promote Literacy in Your Library!"
The popularity of graphic novels for readers of all ages is on the rise, with new books being published everyday in a comic format. From comic biographies to graphic novels about science and math - this format is exploding with new and exciting titles for young readers. In this afternoon session attendees will learn more about why it is important to add these books to every library collection, how these books contribute to literacy, and the role these books can play with helping develop struggling, reluctant, and proficient readers of all ages!

Burlington Public Library
Monday, March 15th
8:30 am to 4 pm

Health Information with Chris Childs
CE Units: 2

Review of online reference sources for consumer health topics available through the Hardin Library for the Health Sciences and techniques for dealing with health reference inquiries. Chris Childs is the Education and Outreach Librarian at the Hardin Library for the Health Sciences at the University of Iowa.

Washington Public Library
Tuesday, March 16th
10 am to 12 pm

Facebook Fanpage FUNdamentals
CE Units: 2

You've heard a lot about Facebook, perhaps you've dipped your toes in, but now have decided it's time to give a library fan page a try. This workshop will show you how to set up a Facebook fan page (we'll set up a page for a library during the workshop) as well as give you ideas for how you can use it in your library. And you'll have a chance to get started on your own page, "hands-on"!

SWILSA Online classroom
Thursday, March 18th
9 am to 11 am

Summer Library Program Kick-Off!
CE Units: 1.5

Join your fellow libraries to discuss what events are being offered, practice crafts, and learn how Southeastern Library Services can support your SLP efforts! Katie will also be teaching her Flickr/Creative Commons class on finding photographs and art to use in your marketing efforts.

West Liberty Public Library
Tuesday, March 30th
10 am to 12 pm

Eldon Public Library – Annex
Wednesday, March 31st
1 pm to 3 pm

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