The SLS Board of Trustees is pleased to announce that applications for a $400 stipend to attend the ILA Annual Conference are now being accepted through September 3. The Conference will be held in Dubuque October 15-17. Information on the Conference, including lodging, is available at http://www.iowalibraryassociation.org/displayconvention.cfm. The stipend may be used to offset any eligible Conference expense, even if the expense has already been incurred, including registration, Conference meals, hotel and mileage. The recipient will be responsible for having a great time, bringing home great ideas for their library, and completing a budget report with receipts by November 18, 2008.
The stipend is available to any staff member, Trustee or Friend. The award will be announced on Friday, September 12.
To apply, visit http://tinyurl.com/08ConferenceStipend.
The stipend is available to any staff member, Trustee or Friend. The award will be announced on Friday, September 12.
To apply, visit http://tinyurl.com/08ConferenceStipend.