Programming Idea – Speed Matching Volunteers to Local Organizations
An interesting idea from Pennsylvania! The Northland Public Library hosts speed matching (Iike speed dating) for potential volunteers and area organizations. The event was hosted on a Friday evening in the summer when the library was closed and provided wine and cheese. Participants, particularly newly retired, or soon to be retired, baby boomers could engage in up to 16 interviews that lasted 3 minutes each. A time keeper rang a bell to start the session and rang the bell to end the session. A small amount of time was allowed for moving between tables. For details on the event, you can contact Mary Lee Resnick at Northland Public Library at (412)366-8100 extension 113 or at resnickm@einetwork.net. Information courtesy the March/April 2008 Public Libraries, a journal serving Public Library Association Members (unfortunately 2008 articles are not available online until 2009).