Hot Titles to Watch – From Book Expo America has a great list of upcoming titles to add to your list for consideration!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
ILL Goes Green in Ames, IA
By Norman Oder -- Library Journal, 6/15/2008
The Ames Public Library (APL), IA, and Iowa State University (ISU) Library are only about two miles apart, but, until recently, they exchanged interlibrary loan (ILL) materials using the U.S. Postal Service, which required packages to be routed via Des Moines, 31 miles away. Beginning last October, the two libraries decided to lower their carbon footprint with a local company called Bikes at Work, a bicycle delivery service that builds its own trailers.
Wayne A. Pedersen, head of acquisitions and ILL/document delivery at the ISU Library, came up with the idea. “I was aware of the company and felt we needed some changes in the way we handled our ILL service,” Pedersen said. He reported that a total of 144 items—including books, CDs, and DVDs—have been borrowed by ISU from APL, with 13 borrowed by APL from ISU. While those numbers may seem modest, ISU has actually borrowed items at more than double the previous clip, while costs are lower and delivery speed has been cut by about a third. ISU users can order ASU materials via ILL by going to OCLC, bypassing any ISU paperwork.
Also, Pedersen noted, the courier service now has enabled APL to loan CDs and DVDs to the ISU Library. Jim Gregory of Bikes at Work explained that the contract is indeed profitable. “The libraries are only a couple of miles apart, so we can make a round trip between them quickly.” Also, a mail run to the local post office, just a block from the public library, makes things easier.
By Norman Oder -- Library Journal, 6/15/2008
The Ames Public Library (APL), IA, and Iowa State University (ISU) Library are only about two miles apart, but, until recently, they exchanged interlibrary loan (ILL) materials using the U.S. Postal Service, which required packages to be routed via Des Moines, 31 miles away. Beginning last October, the two libraries decided to lower their carbon footprint with a local company called Bikes at Work, a bicycle delivery service that builds its own trailers.
Wayne A. Pedersen, head of acquisitions and ILL/document delivery at the ISU Library, came up with the idea. “I was aware of the company and felt we needed some changes in the way we handled our ILL service,” Pedersen said. He reported that a total of 144 items—including books, CDs, and DVDs—have been borrowed by ISU from APL, with 13 borrowed by APL from ISU. While those numbers may seem modest, ISU has actually borrowed items at more than double the previous clip, while costs are lower and delivery speed has been cut by about a third. ISU users can order ASU materials via ILL by going to OCLC, bypassing any ISU paperwork.
Also, Pedersen noted, the courier service now has enabled APL to loan CDs and DVDs to the ISU Library. Jim Gregory of Bikes at Work explained that the contract is indeed profitable. “The libraries are only a couple of miles apart, so we can make a round trip between them quickly.” Also, a mail run to the local post office, just a block from the public library, makes things easier.

Programming Idea – Speed Matching Volunteers to Local Organizations
An interesting idea from Pennsylvania! The Northland Public Library hosts speed matching (Iike speed dating) for potential volunteers and area organizations. The event was hosted on a Friday evening in the summer when the library was closed and provided wine and cheese. Participants, particularly newly retired, or soon to be retired, baby boomers could engage in up to 16 interviews that lasted 3 minutes each. A time keeper rang a bell to start the session and rang the bell to end the session. A small amount of time was allowed for moving between tables. For details on the event, you can contact Mary Lee Resnick at Northland Public Library at (412)366-8100 extension 113 or at Information courtesy the March/April 2008 Public Libraries, a journal serving Public Library Association Members (unfortunately 2008 articles are not available online until 2009).
Monday, July 28, 2008

It feels like time is always slipping away during the summer, doesn’t it? We’ve partnered with local American Red Cross agencies to offer both adult CPR and First Aid training and the last day to register is hurtling at us full throttle. You have the option of signing up for the full day class of CPR training in the morning followed by First Aid after a lunch break, or taking just the CPR training in the morning or the First Aid training in the afternoon. If you choose to take only the First Aid training, you must have current adult CPR certification.
SLS is partially subsidizing the cost of the classes for libraries in our region, so you will only pay $25 for both courses or $10 for the CPR-only course. The First Aid-only course will be free. We have four days split between two locations – each course is only one session long. Class size is limited, so register today!
CE Units: 5 for full course, 3 for CPR, 2 for First Aid
Tuesday, August 12th
Bettendorf Public Library – Lillienthal Room
9 am to 12:30 pm – CPR course
1:30 pm to 4:00 pm – First Aid course
Wednesday, August 13th
Bettendorf Public Library – Lillienthal Room
9 am to 12:30 pm – CPR course
1:30 pm to 4:00 pm – First Aid course
Tuesday, August 19th
Ottumwa Public Library
9 am to 12:30 pm – CPR course
1:30 pm to 4:00 pm – First Aid course
Wednesday, August 20th
Ottumwa Public Library
9 am to 12:30 pm – CPR course
1:30 pm to 4:00 pm – First Aid course
As always, registration is available through the State Library’s CE catalog at
Is Google Going To Meet It’s Match?
A former Google staffer is trying to challenge the Internet search giant with a new engine called Cuil (pronounced “cool”). It sounds promising – to learn more visit

Reader’s Advisory Article from Library Journal – How to create your own RA toolkit!
Visit to read a great article on how to build your bag of tricks for guiding patrons to the right book! It includes sites that offer free newsletters and weekly updates (which you can get via RSS feed to your email account – let us at SLS know if you’d like to set up an RSS feed and/or an account to keep track of your RSS feeds).
Thursday, July 24, 2008

Unfortunately we can’t link to the article as "Public Libraries" doesn’t post their articles online. However, this is a great article about the importance of fun in learning, and particularly how Guitar Hero and Rock Band make learning about music fun and inspiring. The games allow people of all ages to live out their rock and roll fantasies in a safe and accepting environment and provide a sense of achievement. If you’d like us to fax you a copy of the article, let us know!
Note: SLS currently has "Guitar Hero" and "Guitar Hero III" available with PlayStation 2 rental.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Title: The Preservation of Digital Materials
Author: Priscilla Caplan
For those considering digitization projects, such as of local history materials, this is a concise introduction to the considerations which need to be made. Of especial consideration to those beginning the research process for this type of project is an overview of applications specific to digital repositories and collections.
Title: The Preservation of Digital Materials
Author: Priscilla Caplan
For those considering digitization projects, such as of local history materials, this is a concise introduction to the considerations which need to be made. Of especial consideration to those beginning the research process for this type of project is an overview of applications specific to digital repositories and collections.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Looking for a program this fall? Want to be part of a world record attempt? Check out Jumpstart’s Read for the Record. On October 2nd, they are encouraging all children to read "Corduroy" by Don Freeman. More information can be found at:

SLS Teams With Red Cross to Offer First Aid Training to Libraries
We’re happy to announce that we’ve partnered with local American Red Cross agencies to offer both adult CPR and First Aid training. You have the option of signing up for the full day class of CPR training in the morning followed by First Aid after a lunch break, or taking just the CPR training in the morning or the First Aid training in the afternoon. If you choose to take only the First Aid training, you must have current adult CPR certification.
SLS is partially subsidizing the cost of the classes for libraries in our region, so you will only pay $25 for both courses or $10 for the CPR-only course. The First Aid-only course will be free. We have four days split between two locations – each course is only one session long. Class size is limited, so register today!
CE Units: 5 for full course, 3 for CPR, 2 for First Aid
Tuesday, August 12th
Bettendorf Public Library – Lillienthal Room
9 am to 12:30 pm – CPR course
1:30 pm to 4:00 pm – First Aid course
Wednesday, August 13th
Bettendorf Public Library – Lillienthal Room
9 am to 12:30 pm – CPR course
1:30 pm to 4:00 pm – First Aid course
Tuesday, August 19th
Ottumwa Public Library
9 am to 12:30 pm – CPR course
1:30 pm to 4:00 pm – First Aid course
Wednesday, August 20th
Ottumwa Public Library
9 am to 12:30 pm – CPR course
1:30 pm to 4:00 pm – First Aid course
As always, registration is available through the State Library’s CE catalog at
SLS is partially subsidizing the cost of the classes for libraries in our region, so you will only pay $25 for both courses or $10 for the CPR-only course. The First Aid-only course will be free. We have four days split between two locations – each course is only one session long. Class size is limited, so register today!
CE Units: 5 for full course, 3 for CPR, 2 for First Aid
Tuesday, August 12th
Bettendorf Public Library – Lillienthal Room
9 am to 12:30 pm – CPR course
1:30 pm to 4:00 pm – First Aid course
Wednesday, August 13th
Bettendorf Public Library – Lillienthal Room
9 am to 12:30 pm – CPR course
1:30 pm to 4:00 pm – First Aid course
Tuesday, August 19th
Ottumwa Public Library
9 am to 12:30 pm – CPR course
1:30 pm to 4:00 pm – First Aid course
Wednesday, August 20th
Ottumwa Public Library
9 am to 12:30 pm – CPR course
1:30 pm to 4:00 pm – First Aid course
As always, registration is available through the State Library’s CE catalog at
Professional Book of the Week
Title: The Library’s Crisis Communications Planner: A PR Guide for Handling Every Emergency
Author: Jan Thenell
As demonstrated during the recent flooding crisis, disasters are news, from the local and sometimes national levels. When a crisis happens, a plan needs to be in place as to how you communicate what your response is to the crisis. You will be too busy dealing with the crisis to figure out a plan at that time. This book walks you through considerations such as library stakeholders who need to be kept up to date on all progress to developing sample press releases. A must read for every library because crises don’t discriminate.
Title: The Library’s Crisis Communications Planner: A PR Guide for Handling Every Emergency
Author: Jan Thenell
As demonstrated during the recent flooding crisis, disasters are news, from the local and sometimes national levels. When a crisis happens, a plan needs to be in place as to how you communicate what your response is to the crisis. You will be too busy dealing with the crisis to figure out a plan at that time. This book walks you through considerations such as library stakeholders who need to be kept up to date on all progress to developing sample press releases. A must read for every library because crises don’t discriminate.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
WebJunction free webinar on PC reservation systems!
Maintain IT Webinar: Notes from a PC Reservation system that works!
On July 15, grab a comfy chair and participate in a 30-minute discussion where contributors to the Cookbooks share their insights, their secrets, and what you can do to get started with projects like theirs. Join Kieran Hixon and Jesse Walker from John C Fremont Library in Florence, CO as they share their trials and tribulations around their former PC reservation system, and jump for joy as they reveal what saved them (hint: it's open source, free, and yours for the taking!).
WebJunction free webinar on PC reservation systems!
Maintain IT Webinar: Notes from a PC Reservation system that works!
On July 15, grab a comfy chair and participate in a 30-minute discussion where contributors to the Cookbooks share their insights, their secrets, and what you can do to get started with projects like theirs. Join Kieran Hixon and Jesse Walker from John C Fremont Library in Florence, CO as they share their trials and tribulations around their former PC reservation system, and jump for joy as they reveal what saved them (hint: it's open source, free, and yours for the taking!).

Michele Leininger is one of 5 WebJunction Member Award winners. For more information on this exciting nod to Michele’s hard work on behalf of America’s small and rural libraries, visit

Want to see the New and Improved WebJunction? Watch an archived session displaying and explaining the exciting new features coming soon at: Some really great new enhancements and an easier organization are on the way.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
ARSL/WebJunction free webinar - July 31
Rural Webinars: Motivating Your Board—Money, Lawsuits, and Facilities
The Association for Rural and Small Libraries and WebJunction offer free monthly webinars on topics of interest for Rural and Small Libraries. Join us on July 31 for the second webinar in our 2008 series on board relationships and strategies. Ellen Miller and Jim Connor will facilitate a session on proven techniques for motivating your board and empowering them to make the most from their position. View information on our upcoming July webinar on the Rural In Focus Webinar page.
ARSL/WebJunction free webinar - July 31
Rural Webinars: Motivating Your Board—Money, Lawsuits, and Facilities
The Association for Rural and Small Libraries and WebJunction offer free monthly webinars on topics of interest for Rural and Small Libraries. Join us on July 31 for the second webinar in our 2008 series on board relationships and strategies. Ellen Miller and Jim Connor will facilitate a session on proven techniques for motivating your board and empowering them to make the most from their position. View information on our upcoming July webinar on the Rural In Focus Webinar page.
English/Spanish Medicare toolkit for libraries – available at
This extensive toolkit will help librarians direct Medicare beneficiaries/seniors to the right place when needing help regarding Medicare issues. Resources are provided in both English and Spanish.
English/Spanish Medicare toolkit for libraries – available at
This extensive toolkit will help librarians direct Medicare beneficiaries/seniors to the right place when needing help regarding Medicare issues. Resources are provided in both English and Spanish.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008

The Maintain IT Project gathers and distributes stories around how libraries are maintaining and supporting public computers. The tips and techniques collected from libraries are spotlighted in free guides (called Cookbooks), in articles, and on the web site. Contribute your ideas for the project and communicate directly with the Maintain IT staff in our Maintain IT discussion space.
Professional Book of the Week
Title: Powerful Public Relations: A How-To Guide for Libraries
Editor: Rashelle S. Karp
This compact tome covers a wide range of ways to promote and publicize your library. Everything from electronic to print publications and exhibits to special events is covered in this useful guide. A must read for anyone looking to punch up their public relations.
Title: Powerful Public Relations: A How-To Guide for Libraries
Editor: Rashelle S. Karp
This compact tome covers a wide range of ways to promote and publicize your library. Everything from electronic to print publications and exhibits to special events is covered in this useful guide. A must read for anyone looking to punch up their public relations.

In Focus Webinar: Motivating Your Board
Each month we present an hour-long webinar related to the work of sustaining rural and small libraries. Join us on July 31st, 11:00 am PT/ 2:00 pm ET for our second in a series of board webinars for 2008. This webinar is all about motivating your board to realize their full potential and positively impact your community. Ellen Miller and Jim Connor will facilitate. You will find instructions for joining this free webinar in addition to archives of past webinars at Rural In Focus.
Each month we present an hour-long webinar related to the work of sustaining rural and small libraries. Join us on July 31st, 11:00 am PT/ 2:00 pm ET for our second in a series of board webinars for 2008. This webinar is all about motivating your board to realize their full potential and positively impact your community. Ellen Miller and Jim Connor will facilitate. You will find instructions for joining this free webinar in addition to archives of past webinars at Rural In Focus.
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