The National Institute on Aging is offering up to 100 free bookmarks (500 per library system) promoting their website that allows users to make text bigger, change the contrast and have the website “talk”. The website is meant to distribute easy to use and accurate health information to senior citizens.
NIA also offers a downloadable “Toolkit for Trainers” that provides lesson plans on using the NIA health website and Medling Plus, as well as tips on teaching senior citizens, hands on activities and worksheets, promotional flyers and more!
To access the order form for the bookmarks, send an email with your name, the library name and mailing address and the number of packs (bookmarks come in pack of 50, so order up to 2 packs) you’d like to order to niaic@nia.nih.gov. You can also call 800-222-2225 to order.
For the Toolkit, visit www.nihseniorhealth.gov/toolkit.
NIA also offers a downloadable “Toolkit for Trainers” that provides lesson plans on using the NIA health website and Medling Plus, as well as tips on teaching senior citizens, hands on activities and worksheets, promotional flyers and more!
To access the order form for the bookmarks, send an email with your name, the library name and mailing address and the number of packs (bookmarks come in pack of 50, so order up to 2 packs) you’d like to order to niaic@nia.nih.gov. You can also call 800-222-2225 to order.
For the Toolkit, visit www.nihseniorhealth.gov/toolkit.