Friday, June 27, 2008
Title: Strategic Planning for Results
Author: Sandra Nelson
The latest entry in the "For Results" series from the Public Library Association covers both the planning process and public library service responses. Packed with figures, workforms and toolkits, this rich resource is a valuable addition to anyone’s research into strategic planning.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Title: Libraries Prosper with Passion, Purpose and Persuasion! A PLA Toolkit for Success
Author: Public Library Association
Katie spent about an hour trying to think up the perfect way to explain how great of a resource this toolkit is, and was at a loss. Not because it isn’t a great resource, but because it can help with so many different things. At its core, this is a kit for advocacy. From the sketching out your game plan to contacting influential persons in your community to communicating with the public, if you need to advocate for your library, you need to make use of this toolkit. Everyone at every level of advocacy experience will find something within its pages they may not have thought to use or attempt in previous advocacy efforts.
Friday, June 13, 2008

This session focuses on merchandising your collection to get your items off the shelf and out the door. Tips, tricks and techniques from retailers and other libraries are used to help you design effective and exciting displays.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Title: Why We Buy: the Science of Shopping
Author: Paco Underhill
Ever wondered why some people enjoy shopping, others adore it and yet others loathe it? What draws us to one item over another? How can we best market what services and materials we have to offer? Underhill explores various scenarios and topics behind best merchandising practices that we all can use.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Monday, June 09, 2008

NIA also offers a downloadable “Toolkit for Trainers” that provides lesson plans on using the NIA health website and Medling Plus, as well as tips on teaching senior citizens, hands on activities and worksheets, promotional flyers and more!
To access the order form for the bookmarks, send an email with your name, the library name and mailing address and the number of packs (bookmarks come in pack of 50, so order up to 2 packs) you’d like to order to You can also call 800-222-2225 to order.
For the Toolkit, visit
Thursday, June 05, 2008

January 21, 2009 – Southeastern is co-sponsoring the Iowa Small Libraries Online Conference. The entire conference is online, with no need to leave your chair! Visit for more information. There’s even a link to last year’s conference. Just like a physical conference, you can pick and choose what sessions to attend, and there’s even a session for Trustees.
May 1, 2009 – Small Libraries Summit. The 2008 event was a big hit! Join us for time management and organization training from Iowa’s own Dreama Deskins.
As we confirm dates for other topics and events we’ll be sure to let you know so you can plan ahead for you and your staff. All of our classes will be listed on the State’s CE catalog as well our own web site, and we’ll continue to mail out paper calendars twice a year (usually July/August and December).
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Title: Running a Small Library
Editor: John A. Moorman
Moorman has brought together highly diverse group of knowledgeable individuals for this book. Chapters are split out first by type of library and then general library tasks including budgeting, adult services, youth services, facilities, governing boards and governmental relations, cataloging, selection, personal computers and many more. Some chapters include example documents. An excellent resource for anyone needing a quick overview on any topic concerning small libraries.
Don’t forget to visit our die cut web site at for information on the die we own. If you send the paper, we’ll cut your shapes for free! These letters and shapes make any bulletin board an attractive display, and you can use the shapes for nametags, craft pieces, SRP progress markers, and more! Our local AEA and Bettendorf Public Library also own their own sets we can “borrow.” So if you’re interested in something we don’t have, let us know and we’ll find out if one of our partners owns it.
Now updated with the bug theme die and links to images of the cuts.
Keep us in mind as you plan theme and seasonal displays for all ages.
Happy Summer Reading!
Monday, June 02, 2008
Read about Musser’s bug eating pledge at The story even made the American Libraries Direct email bulletin!

A "HodgePodge" of Online Goodies !
Fun New Way to Promote Online Pathfinding and Literacy
It’s a lesson, it’s a game, it’s PMOG: Passively Multiplayer Online Game! What it could be is a fun way to promote online and information literacy, as well as online information resources. Find out more at
Narrative Nonfiction: If You Recommend Books, Read This!
A new “genre” is emerging in the Reader’s Advisory arena, Narrative Nonfiction. To learn more about the genre and how it may or may not be part of your catalog, visit
Library Video Promote Summer Reading (and it’s hilarious, too)
Looking for a new way to promote your library program? Here’s an example of how to have fun and do promotion at the same time!
Have Vending Machines? Make them greener!
From a blog called “Going Green @ Your Library” (whoops, hope they cleared that with ALA), learn how to make vending machines more energy efficient, and maybe help you save a few bucks, too.