Deadline Approaches for New Children's and YA Literature ICN Session
The registration deadline for the New Children’s and YA Literature ICN session is this Wednesday, 2/13. Please contact Katie Dunneback, Consultant, if you have any questions.
3 CE Credits
Join us for this year's edition of a perennial favorite! The presenters will share some of the best - and a few of the worst - preschool through young adult books published in 2007. You must be registered by February 7th in order to receive the handouts prior to the class.
**NOTE: When registering, look for event number NC&YL-SLS08
Wednesday, February 20th
ICN sites:
Bettendorf High School
Mississippi Bend AEA (9) – Bettendorf
Pleasant Valley High School
Great River AEA (16) – Burlington
Columbus Junction PL
Davenport North High School
North Scott Senior High School
Ft. Madison High School
Louisa Muscatine Jr/Sr High School
Muscatine High School
Oskaloosa PL
Southern Prairie AEA (15) – Ottumwa
Wilton Jr/Sr High School
8:30 am to 12 pm
You can sign up for all of our CE offerings at the State Library CE catalog at: http://www.statelibraryofiowa.org/cgi-bin/cecat/.