Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Bookmarks Available through Southeastern Library Services

Bookmarks make great gifts, adult prizes and library sale items. Choose to buy as few, or as many, as you'd like. We still have many bugs left - perfect for Summer Reading Program prizes!

$ 1.25 each
$12.00 for 10

$22.00 for 20

You can specify the style/design while supplies last.
Order yours today by contacting Ann Miller at

Styles available:
Dove; Sun, Moon, Stars; Bees; Butterflies; Dragonfly; Ladybugs; Daylily; Iris; Lily; Narcissus; Pansy; Sunflower; Rose; Tulip.

Get Your Information from the “Info Café”

The Reference Department of the Davenport Public Library is please to announce the creation of a new blog entitled, “Info Café.” A blog is an online journal that encourages comments and postings from its readers. The Library invites the public to visit the Info Café as a resource for information, focusing on reader’s advisory (good reads, viewing, and listening recommendations) and other reference news, tips, and helpful websites. You can access this blog by going to the following web address:, or link to it from the Library’s website at

Title: A Place at the Table: Participating in Community Building
Author: Kathleen de la Peña McCook

Our strongest advocates are our community members. Without community support, libraries will find it hard to obtain and continue to receive funding. Sometimes, help is needed in building and sustaining a library-supportive community. McCook explores the need to have the voice of a librarian present in all areas of a home community, from local and state government to the schools and to the volunteer and civic organizations. If libraries have a place at every table, we build a community not just of library users, but also, library supporters who can be our most effective advocates.

Old Stuff is Fun!

The Richardson-Sloane Special Collections Center of the Davenport Public Library Main Street location (321 Main Street) has created a new weblog (or “blog”) entitled, “Primary Selections from Special Collections.” Patrons can view this blog by visiting the Center’s website at, or by linking directly to the blog by typing:

This new blog showcases interesting items from the Library’s local history and genealogy collections, including many photographs (check out the “Image ‘O the Week”). Other items on the blog include Davenporters of note, urban legends (and the debunking thereof), and news about recently acquired local history and genealogy resources.

For more information about this exciting technology, contact the Richardson-Sloane Special Collections Center at 563-326-7902.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Legislative Day, March 1
We hope many of you will be able to join us in Des Moines on Tuesday, March 11th for Legislative Day. The Legislative Day briefing will begin at 2:30 pm with the reception to follow from 4 to 6 pm.
Katie will be driving a 15-passenger van from the Quad Cities and can pick up 14 people along the I-80 corridor. You can reserve your seat by registering at the State Library CE catalog:
Once we’ve got everyone registered, we'll determine pick-up locations and times. Please e-mail or call Katie Dunneback, Consultant, at or 800-398-0029 if you have any questions.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Carla Lehn from the California State Library in Sacramento writes:

"For another project I've been working on, I discovered this handy website. From a map of the U.S. you can click to locate community foundations in your state. Then, clicking on the Foundation's name will give you more information about the Foundation's interests, and help you understand whether you might be eligible for a grant from them!"
Professional Book of the Week

Title: The Thriving Library: Successful Strategies for Challenging Times
Author: Marylaine Block

Block, author of the website Neat New Stuff I Found on the Net, explores strategies and programs which help libraries thrive in trying economic times. Chapters are broken into service areas and tasks such as children, teens, marketing, outreach and community involvement. Case studies are used to highlight points about each topic. A useful guide for any library serving the public today.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


We wanted to highlight a program we’ll be having at the end of the month. It’s time to let loose your creative juices and share your storytime crafts with your fellow children’s librarians!

3 CE Credits

Have a great craft you want to share with other libraries? Need some fresh ideas to use in your storytimes? Join us for a hands-on craft fair! Libraries will have tables set up where they can demonstrate a craft or two and attendees can practice making the craft. If you are interested in demonstrating, please contact Katie Dunneback at

**UPDATE: Please be prepared to demonstrate a craft if you register for this class. Contact Katie for more information.

Thursday, February 28th
Richland Public Library
1 to 4 pm

You can sign up for all of our CE offerings at the State Library CE catalog at:

Are you getting psyched for your library’s summer reading program? Are you looking for some bug-related decorations? SLS has recently received the following die cuts from Ellison for you to choose from as part of our die cut service:

Grass Patch -
Bee -
Cocoon -
Dragonfly -
3 Part Tree, Bare -
Firefly -
Ladybug #1 -
Basic Beginnings Butterfly -
Basic Beginnings Leaf -
Basic Beginnings Caterpillar -
Butterfly #4 -

You can find out more details about the service and place your order here:

Date Change for Let's 2.0: Wikis Class

Pull out your paper CE calendars for April as there has been a change in date for one of the classes. The Let’s 2.0: Wikis class originally scheduled for Tuesday, April 22nd from 10 to 11 am has been moved to Monday, April 21st from 10 to 11 am. Please let our Consultant, Katie Dunneback, know if you have any questions.

Title: Flannelboard Stories for Infants and Toddlers: Bilingual Edition
Authors: Ann Carlson & Mary Carlson

For anyone who may be struggling with developing flannelboard-storytimes for infants and toddlers, for both English- and Spanish-speaking populations, this is a very easy book to use. Reproducible patterns for flannel objects are situated on top of the accompanying text for the story, and the English text is next to the Spanish text. Split into skill set flannels and traditional chants and rhymes, you’ll find a wide range of ideas to choose from.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Deadline Approaches for New Children's and YA Literature ICN Session

The registration deadline for the New Children’s and YA Literature ICN session is this Wednesday, 2/13. Please contact Katie Dunneback, Consultant, if you have any questions.

3 CE Credits
Join us for this year's edition of a perennial favorite! The presenters will share some of the best - and a few of the worst - preschool through young adult books published in 2007. You must be registered by February 7th in order to receive the handouts prior to the class.
**NOTE: When registering, look for event number NC&YL-SLS08

Wednesday, February 20th
ICN sites:
Bettendorf High School
Mississippi Bend AEA (9) – Bettendorf
Pleasant Valley High School
Great River AEA (16) – Burlington
Columbus Junction PL
Davenport North High School
North Scott Senior High School
Ft. Madison High School
Louisa Muscatine Jr/Sr High School
Muscatine High School
Oskaloosa PL
Southern Prairie AEA (15) – Ottumwa
Wilton Jr/Sr High School
8:30 am to 12 pm

You can sign up for all of our CE offerings at the State Library CE catalog at:

Friday, February 08, 2008

Faye's New Blog

Faye Clow, recently retired Director at Bettendorf Library and Information Center, has a new blog to supplement About Books, her long-running radio show on WVIK Public Radio. Listen to broadcasts, get recommendations from Faye’s personal collection, and more at

Thursday, February 07, 2008


March is certainly set to roar in like a lion this year! Lots and lot of CE classes to choose from are coming your way.

1 CE credit

Interested in attending an upcoming online course? Want to know strategies on how to maximize your learning experience? Join us as we demonstrate the tools you'll be using in the online classes. Technical requirements will be sent out after you have registered. A microphone headset is required.

Thursday, March 6th
SLS Online Classroom
2 pm to 3 pm

6 CE credits

Enhance your storytimes by incorporating information for parents/caregivers into them. Includes early literacy research, examples of the development of each of the six early literacy skills for newborn to five-year-olds, techniques for planning storytimes that reach adults and children and specific ideas for doing so. Why address parents and caregiers? How does this approach change your storytimes? How can your early literacy enhanced storytimes become a catalyst for change in your community? Based on the Every Child Ready to Read @ your library project. Hands-on practice developing a literacy-enhanced storytime by building on what they already do in storytimes.

Thursday, March 6th
North Liberty Community Library
8:30 am to 4:30 pm

3 CE credits
Join librarians from across the state and start planning your 2008 teen summer reading program -- Metamorphosis @ Your Library. Courtney Alfaro, from the West Des Moines Public Library and avid teen librarian, will share ideas and tips about working with teens and planning a summer program in your library.
Be sure to bring your 2008 summer library program teen manual with you to the workshop.
Registration and morning refreshments start at 8:30 am. Program begins at 9:00 am.
Tuesday, March 11th
North Liberty Community Center
9 am to 12 pm

You can sign up for all of our CE offerings at the State Library CE catalog at:

Teen Tech Week is March 2-8 this year, and there's still time to order posters, pens, bookmarks, CD cases and more to raise awareness and help teens discover your cutting-edge resources.

Order Teen Tech Week products here!

2008 Financial Assistance for Library and Information Studies Directory

Need additional financial assistance to attend a library graduate program? The 2008 Financial Assistance for Library and Information Studies Directory is an annual directory of awards from state library agencies, national and state library associations, local libraries, academic institutions and foundations that give some form of financial assistance for undergraduate and/or graduate education programs in library and information studies. The directory is available online at
VISTA information

For those of you with computers running Vista, or those considering buying new Windows-based computers, Wired Magazine is reporting Vista Service Pack 1 will be rolled out in March. You can read more about it here:

72 Tips for Safer Computing

From the basics to the extreme, here are the tricks that will keep your computer, you, and your family secure and safe.
Visit,1759,2254028,00.asp for information on how to secure your library’s computers from Internet (and other) based threats.


Now there are two Cookbooks you can download and use to keep public computers running in your library! Packed with tips and techniques from public librarians from across the country, inside each Cookbook you’ll find practical information covering a variety of topics.

A huge THANK YOU goes out to everyone who contributed their experiences (find out who shared their stories on the acknowledgment pages)!

A Cookbook for Small and Rural Libraries

Learn about locking down public computers, use a handy maintenance checklist, and more! SLS has a copy of this cookbook in the office and it’s a great resource.
Download the entire pdf (381 KB)
Download individual chapters

NEW! Recipes for a 5-Star Library

Learn about wireless, print and time management, and laptop checkout programs!
Download the entire pdf (4.27 MB)
Download individual chapters
For more information on the cookbook project, to submit your own ideas and solutions, or take the cookbook user’s survey, visit

Title: Staffing for Results: A Guide to Working Smarter
Author: Diane Mayo and Jeanne Goodrich

If you are considering the reallocation of staff resources for the upcoming fiscal year, this is an excellent tool to help you determine where staff time is best spent. As part of the Planning for Results series, Mayo and Goodrich provide tools for a systematic analysis of work activities in a library. Thirteen customizable workforms are included to help you implement the strategies outlined in the book.

Considering self-checkout machines?

Computers in Libraries profiles a library as they go through their first experiences with self-checkout. Seeing how another library handled the issues involved may help you if you are considering adding this service option to your library.
Tips to Reduce Work Stress

Stressed out? Overworked and underpaid? Searching for a way to get through each day? Read an article on ways to reduce your stress at work (my favorite – DO LESS – something librarians are not very good at doing) at

Friday, February 01, 2008

The Green Guide

Librarians' Internet Index's "New This Week" featured a Green Guide a while back that caught our attention. Aptly titled The Green Guide, it's from National Geographic and includes more information than most of the fad-inspired "green guide" sites that have cropped up in recent months. You'll find product reviews, blogs, tips, and tricks, quizzes, articles, and a free weekly eNewsletter. If you're interested in "living Green", this is a worthwhile resource to explore.
Web Resource for Anatomy Questions

Our Consultant, Katie Dunneback, discovered this site through another one of her regular blogs, Infodoodads ( For those of you needing more updated visual resources on anatomy, you may want to consider recommending this site to patrons aged high school and up:

Visible Body -