Graphic Novel Rotation Reminder
Just a reminder that if your library is interested in participating in a graphic novel rotation to start this year, e-mail Katie Dunneback at by Thursday, January 31st. We need 7 committed libraries to make this happen and so far only one library has contacted her. Here are the details again:
Cost of rotation: $225/year
Number of commitments required for rotation viability: 7
Age range of material: Focus will be the ages of 11-16 with some materials rated at <10 and 16-18. Stand-alone graphic novels and series rated 18+ will not be purchased at this time. However, individual volumes of series rated 16-18 may stray in to the 18+ age range. We will do our best to minimize this occurrence. The factor of age ranges when making selections will be based on the suggested age quoted in reviews and company catalogs.
Format composition of collection: We will strive for a mix of hardcover and paperback volumes, with additional processing of the paperback volumes to give added shelf life to them. As paperback books are cheaper than their hardcover equivalents, the collection will probably skew a little more towards them.
Series books: We will not be attempting to purchase whole series, but will be purchasing individual volumes within a series in order to give a variety of choices. We encourage you to pass along suggestions from your patrons as to which series are favored over others.
Please contact with any questions.