Registration for the January 16 online conference is now open in the CE catalog!
Our morning keynote speaker is Michael Stephens, and Pat Wagner will do the afternoon keynote. Concurrent sessions in the morning and afternoon offer information about blogs, wikis, podcasting, widgets and gadgets, WebJunction, and more. An evening session helps trustees to understand Library 2.0 and what it means for the library and for them. There will be a Virtual Exhibit Hall, as well as a Games session and Networking Lounge over the lunch hour. We hope you will join us for all or part of the day; there is no charge for the conference. You register for the entire day, but you may "come and go" as you please; each session will have an evaluation and CE certificate.
The conference is online, in various Wimba classrooms. Those of you who have participated in Wimba sessions or been to an orientation are all set; if you haven't yet had a chance to visit a Wimba Live Classroom we have scheduled some orientation sessions during the first half of January, to give you a chance to run the setup Wizard (details will come in your confirmation e-mail from the catalog registration) and then drop into a classroom and get a feel for how it all works before the day of the conference. See the "Wimba" page of the conference website for dates and times of the orientations.
More details about the conference and presenters can be found on the conference website: http://www.swilsa.lib.ia.us/isloc
We hope to see you there!