Local Government Managers and Public Libraries: Partners for a Better Community
The Public Library Association (PLA) is working in conjunction with the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) to inform PLA members about the ICMA's Local Government and Public Libraries Partnership Initiative, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. As part of this ongoing initiative, ICMA has formed an advisory committee to explore the role of city and county managers as advocates for libraries and how libraries relate to quality of life and community sustainability.
Available on the ICMA Web site in the Reports and Resources section, the ICMA Management Perspective, Local Government Managers and Public Libraries: Partners for a Better Community, is an executive brief that has been sent to all local government managers along with a suggestion that they use the Management Perspective as a focus for discussion with their librarian.
The Management Perspective recognizes the vital role that libraries play in communities and covers the city or county manager's role in supporting libraries through strategic planning, funding, public support of the library's programs, and establishing guidelines for measuring accountability. Consider using the Management Perspective to start a conversation about library advocacy with your city or county manager. PLA members can find more information about the initiative on the ICMA Web site.