PLA Scholarship and Stipend Winners announced!
The Board of Trustees of Southeastern Library Services is pleased to announce the following recipients of full and partial scholarships to attend the PLA Conference in Minneapolis March 26-29.
Full scholarships were awarded to Debbie Stanton, Youth Services Librarian at Kalona Public Library and Suzann Holland, Director at Oskaloosa Public Library. Stipends were awarded to Janette McMahon, Director at West Liberty Public Library and Sarah Clendening, Director at Ft. Madison Public Library. Congratulations!
If you’d like to travel to the PLA Conference in style while on a budget, consider taking one of the charter buses sponsored by SLS with East Central, Northeast and North Central LSAs. You can register through the CE catalog at http://www.statelibraryofiowa.org/cgi-bin/cecat/.