Professional Book of the Week
Title: Gamers…in the Library?!: The Why, What, and How of Videogame Tournaments for All Ages
Author: Eli Neiburger
As many of you know, Southeastern Library Services makes gaming kits available to libraries, and we are in the process of adding the Nintendo Wii system in addition to our Sony Playstation 2s. Planning on how to set up a gaming night, or tournament, may seem a daunting task if you’re not familiar with the culture. Neiburger ably breaks down and explains types of games, gaming culture, technical and supply considerations, planning, setting up, promoting and running your event. Neiburger will be speaking at ILA in Coralville and this book will be a perfect companion piece. Be sure to check out the Gaming Fun area at the Conference Welcome Reception on Wednesday, October 10th if you’re attending and are interested in seeing what games are out there.
As always, this book and many others are available from the SLS office through Interlibrary Loan.