Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Professional Book of the Week

Watch for our new feature, Professional Book of the Week, on both the blog and the SLS Discussion list. All books featured are part of the SLS professional collection and available for interlibrary loan. To get you started...

Title: Storytime for Two-Year-Olds, Third Edition
Author: Judy Nichols

About the Book:

The newest edition of this classic best-seller updates techniques and programs to engage some of our harshest critics: two-year-olds. Included in the book are plans for program themes including books, fingerplays, crafts, parent-oriented notes, and program notes. If you are looking to start or revitalize a toddler targeted storytime, this is the perfect book to get you going.


Early Literacy Storytimes @ Your Library: Partnering with Caregivers for Success by Saroj Nadkarni Ghoting
Flannelboard Stories for Infants and Toddlers by Ann Carlson
Preschool Favorites: 35 Storytimes Kids Love by Diane Briggs
Something Musical Happened at the Library: Adding Song and Dance to Children’s Story Programs by Rob Reid

(All these titles are available for interlibrary loan from Southeastern Library Services.)