We are pleased to announce that Susan Dailey will be at the Mt. Pleasant Public Library on November 7, 2007 9:30am-3:30pm. Susan will be refreshing your storytimes with ideas from her book A Storytime Year, as well as new ideas not included in the book. Her in-person session promises to be an energizing one for everyone who presents storytimes! The cost for the session is $15 and includes lunch, breakfast and all materials. We'll also be giving away prizes!
Register online at http://www.statelibraryofiowa.org/cgi-bin/cecat/ soon, space is limited!
...Be sure to also catch Tried and True Toddler Ideas when Susan presents it the following day, November 8, 8:30-11:30am over the ICN. The exciting partnership that the LSAs have with IPTV this year will give everyone the chance to attend at locations close to home-and at no cost! Everyone is invited – local daycare providers, teachers, Head Start providers, AEA staff, librarians, early childhood students – anyone who works with toddlers. To register and request a site visit IPTV’s web site at http://www3.iptv.org/iowa_database/event-detail.cfm?ID=8192 Spread the word to your local day cares, schools, and community colleges! The session will include great books, finger plays, prop activities and simple crafts.
Be on the look out for upcoming opportunities in the Spring, as IPTV will also be sponsoring another exciting speaker, MaryAnne Kohl! You'll love MaryAnne’s approach using art projects to enhance literacy.