Tools for Outreach from WebJunction
Each month the Rural Library Sustainability Project presents an hour-long webinar related to the work of sustaining Rural and Small libraries. Join us next on May 24 9:00 a.m. PT/12:00 p.m. ET, when we discuss Tool for Outreach: Best Practices from the Spanish Language Outreach Program. We'll explore the resources available on WebJunction as a part of our sister project, the Spanish Language Outreach Program, and how the tools can be applied to your planning for outreach of all kinds. Find out how to assess your community's needs, determine how successfully your library has integrated cultural awareness into your services, and, finally, learn how you can better connect to your changing community. Since April we have been using WebJunction's new web conferencing tool, Live Space for our webinars. We've updated the information on joining the webinars and will continue to post webinar archives and quick links at Rural In Focus.