Would you like more westerns for your patrons?
Donnellson Public Library is looking for two libraries to join their very informal western rotation. Just choose 15 of the westerns in your collection. They can be paperback, hardcover, or large print. Make sure they are in good condition. Mark them with a bright orange spot, and make a list of author and title for the group you are sending. Then, send them out. You will also receive a box of 15 westerns from another library in the rotation, along with a list. You can either put your own barcode on these books, or make a seperate card to go with your checkout system. In three months, these rotate to the next library on the list. When your own collection of westerns comes back to you, select 15 new westerns to put in the new rotation. The libraries that are now participating include Donnellson, West Point, and Mellinger, (Morning Sun.) If you would like to join, contact Brenda Knox, Donnellson Public Library, 319/835-5545, donnlibr@interl.net .