In Focus Webinar: TechAtlas for the Rural Library
Each month the Rural Library Sustainability Project is presenting an hour-long webinar related to the work of sustaining Rural and Small libraries. Join them next on April 24, 10:00 AM PDT/1:00 PM EDT when they discuss TechAtlas for the Rural Library.
Technology is constantly changing. Planning ahead can feel impossible when it's hard to catch-up with what is happening today. Luckily, tools exist that can help you stay on top of your library's technology, present and future.
In this webinar, they will talk about TechAtlas, a free, online technology planning tool for libraries. Hear how rural libraries around the country are using it. Learn how to get started in your library. Make 2007 the year you take control of your library's technology! Moderated by Brenda Hough, Technology Coordinator, Northeast Kansas Library System (NEKLS), with special guest Kendra Morgan, WebJunction's TechAtlas Outreach Specialist. Beginning in April, they will be using WebJunction's new web conferencing tool, Live Space for the webinars. They've updated the information on joining the webinars and will continue to post webinar archives and quick links at Rural In Focus.