For Your Information...
-If you are a PLOW library you should have recently received, or soon will receive, your training location and date. That information can also be found here at SLS.
-For those of you attending the Summer Reading Program session on March 7th in Fairfield, Iowa from 9-noon we encourage you to stay around for our Youth Services Roundtable from 1-3pm. This is a great opportunity for you to meet other YS librarians in the area as well as exchange ideas, information, and maybe let off some steam!
-Sally Reed, executive director of Friends of Libraries USA, will be in North Liberty at the Gerdin Conference Center on April 14th, 2007 from 10am-3pm to share successful strategies for mobilizing Friends, Trustees and supporters on behalf of your library. There you will learn how to unite those voices to influence decision makers at the local and state levels. You'll receive 5 CE credits and the cost is $25.00 per person, $20 for an Iowa Library Trustee or Friends Assosiation member and includes handouts, a catered lunch and snacks. Ask about group rates!
Go to to register for these events or check out new ones in your area.