Meet Our New Consultant...
Katie Dunneback has a long history with librarianship as family members have been librarians for over seventy years. She received her M.S. in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2003. Katie has spent the last three years full-time at the Westchester (IL) Public Library as a Reference Librarian, where she provided reference and readers’ advisory services, managed non-system interlibrary loan functions, parts of the collection, and taught the public computer classes in addition to numerous other duties. She also worked part-time at the Tinley Park Public Library as an Adult Services/Reference Librarian, providing reference desk coverage on weekends. Katie’s strengths include adult services and technology, with a particular interest in adult readers’ advisory services.
While job hunting, Katie got involved with the New Members Round Table of the American Library Association, and she is currently their Member Services Director. Katie was recently appointed to the newly formed Reading List Council which is a committee of the Reference and User Services Association’s Collection Development and Evaluation Section dedicated to acknowledging the best of genre fiction. She will be serving on the council until the 2009 ALA Midwinter Conference.
Katie has also contributed to professional literature with an article on developing professional portfolios available on, an article on Adult Service Librarianship to be published in the upcoming book, A Day in the Life, edited by Priscilla K. Shontz and Richard A. Murray, and is working on part of a book chapter on serving the romance and other genre readers in the library. She also owns The Young Librarian website and blog.
Katie is more than happy to answer any questions you may have and is looking forward to working with everyone in the Southeaster Library Services service area.