Friday, January 05, 2007

Upcoming Workshops...

The All Iowa Reads ICN session is almost here! Mark January 30, 2007 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on your calendar today. Log into the CE calendar to see ICN locations and to register!

Also, Library 101 dates been set for 2007. If you’re looking for an introductory course to running a library, log into the CE catalog at and register for an ICN session.

The dates are:

March 22 (Thursday)
June 8 (Friday)
September 11 (Tuesday)
December 6 (Thursday)


The two closest Summer Reading Program workshops are in Fairfield on February 12 and in North Liberty on February 13. More locations and dates are listed in the CE catalog. These workshops are a great way to get a feel for this year’s theme, share and borrow ideas from each other, and get energized for the summer. Register soon!


Finally, SLS is sponsoring national speaker on library advocacy Sally Reed, Executive Director of FOLUSA (Friends of Libraries USA) and will provide a workshop on public awareness and proactive local level advocacy for staff, Trustees and Friends. If you’re looking to get your library front and center, this workshop is for you. The workshop will be held in North Liberty at the Gardin Conference Center on Saturday, April 14 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Lunch is included. Workshop fee is $25, with a $5 discount for ILA members with additional membership in the Iowa Library Trustees Association or Iowa Library Friends Association. Membership forms available at the event. Reduced fees for libraries sending 5 or more representatives, call Kim at SLS for more information. The workshop is on the CE catalog, so get your Trustees, staff and Friends registered today!

We hope to see you soon!