For those of you that may not already know, SLS subscribes to several publications (library related) that we in turn rotate to you. We receive the issue every month/quarter, mail it to the first on the list and so on. Each participant keeps them for a week, passes them on to the next, and then we store them here for a few years (note that in case you ever need an article or would like to borrow an issue-a full list will be on our website soon!)
The publications we subscribe to are:
OPL (One Person Library)
Library Journal
School Library Journal
Friends of Libraries Newsletter
Unabashed Librarian
Please feel free to check out the ‘One Person Library’ website http://www.ibi-opl.com/ to get a feel of if that publication would be useful to you and your library.
If you are interested in being in any of these rotations, please Amanda Wright know as soon as possible.