Game Nights!
Playstation 2 Game Night Kits are finally here! West Liberty is the first to sign up to use our kits to provide game nights for their patrons- a great way to attract youth and families to your library!
Current games include Guitar Hero, Nascar 2005, Dance Dance Revolution, Super Monkey Ball Adventure, and Eye Toy Play 2 (interactive game with camera)...Soon to come…Jeopardy, SingStar Rock, Eye Toy AntiGrav. All of these are party style games, with the hardware to go with them (Eye Toy cameras, a driving wheel and pedals, guitar, dance pad, etc.)
Use our online registration form to easily reserve your kit! Kits come with up to three games (choose when you make your reservation), you'll get a confirmation email so you can start advertising to your community and all the only cost to you is a $5 fee (plus shipping both directions via US Mail-library rate.) Please note that kits will be shipped in sturdy USPS approved packaging, and if we’re coming your way and it works out, we’ll even deliver your kit to you!
Reserve today!