Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Congratulations to the Burlington Public Library! Their Board President, Wyn Boyd, received the Outstanding Trustee of the Year Award from the Iowa Library Association (Trustee subdivision).
To add to the excitement, the library is on the move and preparing to open in their beautiful new building. If you’re in the area, stop by the ceremonies on Friday, November 10. For more information on the opening ceremonies and Mr. Boyd’s award, visit http://www.burlington.lib.ia.us/.
We’ll have photos of the building for you soon!
Thursday, October 19, 2006

For all those involved in PLOW training, you know it's right around the corner. You should have already received your schedule via snail mail in August as well as email reminders to follow. However, if you did not, or need it again, you will find the entire schedule here:
Rememebr, you do not need to register for the PLOW project. The PLOW schedule is not in the CE catalog because dates and locations had to be assigned to the libraries so that there would be 12-14 students and enough laptops at each location.
You are invited to participate in a free workshop on using Patents & Trademarks databases scheduled for Monday, November 13, 2006 from 1:00 – 4:30 at The University of Iowa Libraries. A full description and registration are available at: http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/govpubs/classes/patents.html
Here’s the program agenda:
1:00 – 1:30 Mark Janis ~ Overview of Legal and Theoretical Issues
1:30 – 2:00 Kembrew McLeod ~ A Different Perspective
2:00 – 3:00 Karon King ~ hands-on training “dissection” of a patent (including standard parts used internationally) and comparisons of worldwide free patent database – and how to use them
3:00 – 3:20 Break
3:20 – 4:30 Karon King ~ continued training ~ bring questions!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The 2007 All Iowa Reads book was announced on October 13 at the Iowa Library Association Annual Conference in Council Bluffs. The committee is working hard to select books to appeal to a variety of tastes, and this year’s pick is quite a departure from previous years.
Splendid Solution: Jonas Salk and the Conquest of Polio by Jeffrey Kluger is a non-fiction selection that reads like fiction. While not directly linked to Iowa, we are hoping that this book will spark a discussion of the memories and history of Iowa and Iowans during this time, personalizing the book. Watch for details on how Southeastern will be working to gather some of those stories as part of the All Iowa Reads activities. We will again have discussion kits available to our member libraries thanks to the Iowa Center for the Book and an ICN session will be offered in late winter to get you geared up for celebrating this year’s selection.
To reserve the set from Southeastern to hold your own book club next year, contact Amanda Wright.
Monday, October 16, 2006

Here in Iowa we don’t elect our judges, but we do elect to retain them. Promote informed citizenship for your community by linking to and/or downloading and printing a great brochure on Iowa’s judges and how to research your vote. The brochure is available from the Iowa Judicial Branch at http://www.judicial.state.ia.us/Public_Information/About_Judges/. The brochure is available in pdf format and easily printed. Consider creating a mini-election information station and include the brochure along with information from the Secretary of State available at http://www.sos.state.ia.us/
Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Looking for Iowa tax forms for Tax Year 2006? Now is the time to order!
To expedite your Iowa tax forms order, the Iowa Department of Revenue asks that you use the Web site listed below. This site allows you to access your current account or create an account if your library does not already have one. You may also update mailing information, such as name, address and e-mail address.
You may start placing orders on Monday, October 9, 2006, for Tax Year 2006. If you place an order for Tax Year 2006 forms prior to Monday, October 9, 2006, the order will be considered a tax year 2005 order and will not be filled for tax year 2006.
Friday, October 06, 2006

Youth Services Librarians: If you were one of the 13 libraries interested in taking the training to implement the exciting "Parents As Literacy Partners" program, please take note of the date and location! Thursday, October 26 at the Kalona Public Library from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm, with lunch on your own. SLS is traveling from Davenport and will be happy to make carpool arrangements if needed.
Please register as soon as possible at http://www.statelibraryofiowa.org/cgi-bin/cecat/. Because of the function of the catalog, you will need to log in first, then search by sponsor, choose Southeastern and select PALP (which will have a date in August, but go ahead and click on it). Then select the session at Kalona to register.
All Public Librarians: "Tips & Tricks For Managing the Small Library"- Limited staff, funding and resources plague all libraries, but when you're a one or two person show, it's even more difficult to get everything done and still serve the public. Join us for a workshop stressing practical and easy tips and ideas for managing your small library!
Two times/locations for your convenience: November 8, 2006 10-noon @ Wilson Memorial Library in Keota, Iowa or November29, 2006 10-noon @ West Point Public Library in West Point, Iowa. 2 CEs will be offered, handouts will be provided and there is a cost of $5.00.
Register soon by going to
Hope to see you there!
...Coming soon in February 2007..."Show Me the Money" (Grant Writing Basics) and the ever-popular "Book Talks"!
We've gotten our hands on some wonderful new bookmarks. They're a durable shiny sterling silver/stained glass-like combination and would make a lovely gift, door prize or summer reading program incentive for anyone. They definitely dress up any page!
We have a large variety available, as you can see pictured above. We have assorted "insect" selections (lady bugs, lightening bugs, butterflies and bumble bees), "flower" selections (tulips, sunflowers, panseys, roses, lilies, many more!-some even have the name of the flower engraved towards the the bottom). We also have special "sun" ones and "love doves" (as seen at the bottom middle)-all of these, as shown, come with a purple satin ribbon attached.
We're selling them for $1.25 a piece, 10 for $12.00 or 20 for $22.00, you choose which ones you'd like.
More seasonal ones and different varieties are available and can be ordered in bulk, at our discount, upon request. Please contact Amanda Wright for more information or to order yours today-amounts are limited!
Thursday, October 05, 2006

Game Nights!
Playstation 2 Game Night Kits are finally here! West Liberty is the first to sign up to use our kits to provide game nights for their patrons- a great way to attract youth and families to your library!
Current games include Guitar Hero, Nascar 2005, Dance Dance Revolution, Super Monkey Ball Adventure, and Eye Toy Play 2 (interactive game with camera)...Soon to come…Jeopardy, SingStar Rock, Eye Toy AntiGrav. All of these are party style games, with the hardware to go with them (Eye Toy cameras, a driving wheel and pedals, guitar, dance pad, etc.)
Use our online registration form to easily reserve your kit! Kits come with up to three games (choose when you make your reservation), you'll get a confirmation email so you can start advertising to your community and all the only cost to you is a $5 fee (plus shipping both directions via US Mail-library rate.) Please note that kits will be shipped in sturdy USPS approved packaging, and if we’re coming your way and it works out, we’ll even deliver your kit to you!
Reserve today!

Scary but true, annual reports are due October 31!
Put the ghosts of last year to rest by getting your report in to Gerry Rowland. The online submission can be found at http://www.statelibraryofiowa.org/ld/statistics/public-libraries/fy2007. As always, if you need help, give us a call. We know it’s a lot of work, but the statistics help the State, the LSAs and fellow libraries as we look at grants, funding, legislative agendas, and more.
Busy Library in Morning Sun has opening for Library Director. Preferred candidate will possess strong people skills & excellent computer skills. Must have HS Diploma. Job includes managing all aspects of the library and library staff including: purchasing, budgeting, grant writing, record keeping and researching.
Please reply by mail with letter, resume and three professional references to: Mellinger Memorial Library Board, Box 8, Morning Sun, IA 52640-0008.
Resumes must be postmarked by October 25th.