As you all know, this year's All Iowa Reads selection is the book, Gilead. Did you know you can easily have a set shipped to your library for a book club or discussion group? These groups are a great way to get people not only interested in reading, but socializing at the same time, and coming to your library to do it. The set includes 18 small print books, 2 large print books, 2 CD copies and an audio cassette copy. They are available anytime after September 15th. Please contact Amanda Wright at (800) 397-0029 or by email at awright@sls.lib.ia.us to reserve.
If you don't know much about book clubs, or even the book itself, take a look at the All Iowa Reads website at http://www.iowacenterforthebook.org/air/2006/index.html
Here you can find helpful information on how to get a group started, more about this year's selection and much, much more.
Already have a group going? Share your exciting program and event plans for All Iowa Reads 2006 with others around the state! A list of activities will be added to the All Iowa Reads web page as information is submitted. As an incentive to fill out your information, the All Iowa Reads Committee has decided that at the end of the year, one lucky program sponsor will receive 15 free copies of the 2007 All Iowa Reads selection. Take a moment and check it out!