Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Lobby From Home!

By now you've surely seen the messages from the Iowa Library Association reminding you that Wednesday, February 22nd, is "Lobby from Home Day." Here's an excerpt from an email from Susan Craig, President of ILA:

"This is the day that ILA asks the whole Iowa library community to contact their state legislators to ask them to support Iowa libraries. This year we are supporting the Governor’s increases in funding for the State Library of Iowa and Enrich Iowa. We are joining the Library Service Areas to ask the Legislature to add $50,000 to the LSA budget to allow them to continue their vital work. In addition, ILA and the IASL are working with allies—including the ISEA and the School Administrators of Iowa—to restore the requirement for a teacher-librarian in each school district. ILA is also opposing the Internet filtering bills and obscenity law revisions that would override existing, locally created, library policies."

We would like to encourage everyone to go to the ILA Website to learn what to say, and who to contact. Remember, your voice is important--and everyone's voice needs to be heard!