Are You Registered?
Beginning in 2006, the State Library will be advertising Continuing Education events on a GREAT new online calendar. You can preview the calendar now, and even sign up for events. Just visit this link: http://www.silo.lib.ia.us/cgi-bin/cecat/
Here's the important note: In order to register for any of these classes, you'll need to create a user account. It's easy--just follow the directions onscreen. Click on "Not a Registered User?" and you can get started right way. Be sure to write down the login and password you create--you'll need it for next time!
One great thing about the new CE catalog is that you can always log in to see if you've registered for something already. You can also search the catalog for workshops in certain locations, on certain dates, or by topic. Watch for updates and additions to the catalog.
Soon, Southeastern's CE events will be posted in the new CE catalog as well. All registrations will eventually be handled through this new system--so don't delay! You'll want to get signed up, and make sure your entire staff signs up as well. If you need assistance, let us know!