Monday, June 02, 2008

A "HodgePodge" of Online Goodies !

Fun New Way to Promote Online Pathfinding and Literacy
It’s a lesson, it’s a game, it’s PMOG: Passively Multiplayer Online Game! What it could be is a fun way to promote online and information literacy, as well as online information resources. Find out more at

Narrative Nonfiction: If You Recommend Books, Read This!
A new “genre” is emerging in the Reader’s Advisory arena, Narrative Nonfiction. To learn more about the genre and how it may or may not be part of your catalog, visit

Library Video Promote Summer Reading (and it’s hilarious, too)
Looking for a new way to promote your library program? Here’s an example of how to have fun and do promotion at the same time!

Have Vending Machines? Make them greener!
From a blog called “Going Green @ Your Library” (whoops, hope they cleared that with ALA), learn how to make vending machines more energy efficient, and maybe help you save a few bucks, too.