A message from Kim...
Ask a Ninja…for help with Web 2.0 technology http://youtube.com/watch?v=OEmss2lg-ug
How is podcasting like feeding apple pie to whales? Find out on this episode of “Ask a Ninja”. Other useful topics (or just for fun) include Net Neutrality. Hey, and it’s a fun way to poke around YouTube a little bit and get a feel for what the big fuss is about!
How is the Internet changing (us)?
...Another YouTube presentation I saw at Computers in Libraries. It gave me chills. The title, The Machine is Us/ing Us says it all – society is changing because of the Internet and it’s a societal shift that will not stop. It gives a nice overview on some of the most compelling technologies available to the average user and gives some hefty food for thought on how we need to view our work, our lives and our world in light of these changes to interactivity and the ease with which we can now use and manipulate the web.