Wednesday, September 30, 2009

7 Steps To Make Computers Accessible for Seniors

A great set of tips from This will probably become a growing issue as the senior population continues to grow.

4th annual National Friends of Libraries Week
October 18-24, 2009
Use this week to promote the Friends in the community and provides a great opportunity for your library and Board of Trustees to recognize the Friends for their help and support of the library.
For more information and resources for Friends, libraries and Boards, take a look at the ALTAFF Web Site.

Gear Up For National Gaming Day
November 14, 2009

Gaming kits available from SLS! Reserve yours at SLS's Web Site.

More information from ALA's Press Release .


Applications for Trustee awards are accepted 9/15 through 12/15 for three Trustee awards from ALTAFF (Association of Library Trustees, Advocates, Friends and Foundations). For information on the awards, visit

Let them know about your great Trustees!!

SLS Sponsors In-Person Viewing Location for Online Conference

Southeastern Library Services is sponsoring an in-person viewing location for the online conference, The Art of Fundraising and Grant Writing. Participants are welcome to come and leave as their schedule allows. The sessions we have chosen to view are:

10:00 AM - Keynote: Peter Pearson "Tough Times and Successful Library Fundraising"

11:00 AM - Keynote: Kitty Pope "Grant Writing and Fund Raising: It Takes a Team"


1:00 PM - Track A - Lisa Valdez "Fundraising: Letter Writing Campaigns"

2:00 PM - Track B - Stephanie Gerding "Grant Writing for Libraries"

3:00 PM - BREAK

3:30 PM - Track B - Panel "Fundraising Outside of Grant Writing"

4:30 PM - Track C - Fundraising events

More information regarding the conference can be found at

Up to 7 continuing education credits are available depending on how many sessions you attend.

Date: Thursday, November 19th

Time: 10:00 am to 5:30 pm

Location: Mt. Pleasant Public Library – 2nd floor Community Room

Monday, September 28, 2009

Wine and Wii Fundraiser from Lincoln City, NE
A new way to raise money, with fun for everyone! Read about the event, as well as find contact information for the Foundation for Lincoln City Libraries at

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Making Web 2.0 Work - from the October 2009 issue of Computers in Libraries
This is a great article on how 2.0 technologies work (or don't) for libraries, with some suggestions on making them work or work better for your library. If you don't subscribe, you can be added to our circulation list for the periodical, or contact us for a copy of the article.

New OCLC Prototype Can Help You Choose Classification Numbers

Classify is a prototype service designed to support the assignment of classification numbers for books, DVDs, CDs, and many other types of materials.

The prototype provides access to more than 36 million WorldCat records that contain Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) numbers, Library of Congress Classification (LCC) numbers, or National Library of Medicine (NLM) Classification numbers.

The records are grouped using the OCLC FRBR Work-Set algorithm resulting in a work-level summary of the class numbers assigned a title. You can retrieve a classification summary by ISBN, ISSN, UPC, OCLC number, or author/title. Some examples are:

The EPA Offers Consumer Education on E-cycling: Could Your Library Play a Role?
EPA is working to educate consumers and others on why it is important to reuse and recycle electronics and what the options are for safe reuse and recycling of these products. State and local governments, manufacturers, and retailers, who are already aware of the pressing need to better manage these materials, are providing more opportunities to recycle and reuse this equipment.


Banned Books Week is starts September 26. For resources and ideas on how to participate, visit and follow the links at the bottom.

Friday, September 18, 2009


Title: Managing Money: A Guide for Librarians

Author: Anne M. Turner


Do you feel like finances are often another language? Turner clearly lays out a number of concepts and situations which directly impact library budgets. Major topics include budgets, purchasing, requesting bids for projects, audits and finance departments.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Books for Babies Grant Opportunity

The Associationof Library Trustees, Advocates, Friends and Foundations (ALTAFF) has partnered with Nordstrom to offer 10 grants of $500 each to put towards the purchase of Books for Babies kits to "selected Friends of the Library groups, women's groups, libraries and other nonprofit organizations" who raise $1,000 for the project.

The application deadline is October 1, 2009, and more information can be found here.

Thursday, September 10, 2009



You can't sing or you are afraid to? After this workshop, you will put music in your storytimes! Jerri Heid, Youth Services Librarian at the Ames Public Library, will teach librarians why music is important for your programs and for children's emergent literacy skills. You will learn how you can use other people's music to your advantage, where to purchase music, a bibliography of songs to use and most importantly, gain the confidence and comfort to add music to your programs. Come dressed in casual clothes, ready to have fun!

When: Friday, October 9

Where: North Liberty Community Library

520 Cherry Street

Time: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

CE: 5

Cost: $20, lunch, refreshments & handouts provided

Registration Deadline: October 5

You may register on-line in the CE catalog or contact East Central. Please mail your check to the address below.

East Central Library Services
222 3rd St. SE, Suite 402
Cedar Rapids IA 52401

Contact: Linda Lumsden
Phone: 319-365-0521

Friday, September 04, 2009

Congratulations to Letts Public Library!

As part of this year's I-JOBS grants, the city of Letts will receive $400,000 for the creation of a new community center and library.

I-JOBS Libraries announcement