Friday, May 29, 2009

2009 ALA Annual Conference Friends Sessions

This year the Annual Conference is in Chicago. There is a two part session on “Nuts and Bolts for Friends” on Saturday, July 11. You do not have to attend both, but the second session will not be a repeat of the first.

Nuts and Bolts for Friends

Saturday, July 11, 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Come hear experts talk about ways to improve your Friends of the Library group and maximize the Friends' ability to raise money, increase membership and work effectively with their library. Be prepared to share your best practices and your stumbling blocks with other Friends from across the country. This program is part one of a two part series (the second to be held in the afternoon). It is not required that you attend both but the second session will be a continuation of discussions and not a repeat. Speakers: Susan Schmidt, Past President, Friends of Libraries U.S.A.; Robin Hoklotubbe, Secretary, Friends of Libraries U.S.A

For more information on the session and costs, visit

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Prepub Alert from Library Journal’s May 15 issue: Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol, Nicholas Sparks’ The Last Song, Joyce Carol Oates’ Little Bird of Heaven, Craig Furguson’s American on Purpose, Jane Goodall’s Hope for Animals and Their World, Sue Monk Kidd’s Traveling with Pomegranates, Lebron James’ Shooting Stars, James Patterson’s The Murder of King Tut and Elizabeth Thomas’ The Hidden Life of Deer (from the author of The Hidden Life of Dogs).


Title: Teaching Web Search Skills: Techniques and Strategies of Top Trainers

Author: Greg R. Notess

Summary: For those of you looking to create a class for the public on how to search the web, or even do a staff training session on the topic, Notess’ book provides you with a great deal of information from understanding who your audience is, what topics to focus on, terminology to use, concepts to cover and tons more. Appendices including sample handouts, the list of URLs referenced in the book and contact information for the trainers interviewed are sheer gold. This book is essential reading for computer trainers.

Cedar Rapids Public Library Continues to Fight FEMA Decision

Library Journal reports on CRPL’s fight with FEMA at

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Start a Library Foundation has great tips on how to start a library foundation. Don’t forget that your local or regional community foundation will, for a very small fee, act as your library’s foundation as well. For more information on the opportunities afforded by community foundations, contact Kim Kietzman at

OCLC Makes Plans to Create an Online ILS for FirstSearch WorldCat Members

Current FirstSearch WorldCat members would have the option, at no extra cost, to have OCLC serve as their ILS system, complete with a locally branded catalog interface and a search function. For an in-depth look at the components of what they do, and will, offer go to

Friday, May 22, 2009

Library as Movie Studio

Sewickley (PA) Public Library Young Adult Librarian Kelly Rottmund has created “Movie Stars @ the Library,” a program where teens can use the library’s camera to make their own films after school, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported March 5. The young filmmakers have thus far created a murder mystery, a dance video and a comedy involving Pokemon and communists.

From American Libraries, April 2009

More Affordable Public Workstations – Using Open Source

Open source public workstations are an excellent option for libraries looking for cost-effective alternatives to proprietary software. Read about it in this May 2009 American Libraries article at

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Title: The Library Manager’s Deskbook: 102 Expert Solutions to 101 Common Dilemmas

Authors: Paula Phillips Carson, Kerry David Carson, Joyce Schouest Phillips


Sometimes you just need to know where to start. This book covers many issues facing library managers in all types and sizes of libraries and is a brief overview of where to begin to address these concerns. The broad themes include communication issues, professional issues, employment issues, personnel issues and liability issues.

Green Libraries

Wanda Urbanska from Simple Living Network explores how librarians can make a difference every day in many ways, as we all move toward environmental friendliness. The April 2009 American Libraries article can be read through Ebsco at

Library as Movie Studio

Sewickley (PA) Public Library Young Adult Librarian Kelly Rottmund has created “Movie Stars @ the Library,” a program where teens can use the library’s camera to make their own films after school, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported March 5. The young filmmakers have thus far created a murder mystery, a dance video and a comedy involving Pokemon and communists.

From American Libraries, April 2009

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Mentally Ill in the Public Library

A snapshot of issues around the mentally ill patron in the library. From the March/April 2009 issue of Public Libraries. The research is available at

Family Storytime – Planning and Tips from American Libraries, May 2009

Read about family storytimes at

Monday, May 18, 2009

Procrastination and Wikipedia

From American Libraries, April 2009, comes a column on how students use Wikipedia and other resources for last minute work.

Book Groups for Boys!

Michael Sullivan gives you the how-to in the May 2009 American Libraries. Read all about it at

Friday, May 08, 2009


Title: Used Book Sales: Less Work & Better Profits

Author: D. Keith Crotz

Summary: With times getting tight, we’re all looking to make our dollars stretch as far as we can. That includes finding new sources of income where possible. For many libraries, book sales are a steady stream of income. This is especially true when people are looking to purchase items new-to-them, but at a discounted price. If you already have an annual book sale, or are looking to start one, Crotz offers some tips on maximizing your profits