Meet Our New Administrator...
The Board of Trustees of the Southeastern Library Services is pleased to announce that Kim Kietzman will assume the responsibilities of Administrator of Southeast Library Services Area starting June 5, 2006. She will work jointly with Emily Navarre, retiring SLSA Administrator, until June 30th when she will assume total responsibility for Southeastern.
Kim, currently the director of the LeClaire Community Library, comes to SLSA with a variety and depth of library experiences that will be invaluable in her new job. She has been instrumental in the establishment of the LeClaire Community Library and in the supervision of the facility’s expansion, remodeling and construction. She has been an active participant in the Libraries Together project of the four public libraries in Scott County which strives to provide the citizens of Scott County with efficient library services. She helped to write the grants which funded this project and authored the library’s web page.
Kim has been active in statewide efforts to advocate library services with state legislators. Over the past nine years, she has also worked in youth services, reference services, and extension services at the Davenport (IA) Public Library, the Rock Island (IL) Public Library and at the Minneapolis (MN) Public Library. Kim has strong public library, technological, advocacy, and teaching skills.
For further information, please contact Jane Campagna, SLSA Board of Trustees President, at 563-441-4152 or jcampagna@eicc.edu.